Client Testimonial #2: Pelvic Plasty Experience at Yonsei Baro Chuk Hospital


Welcome Back, Prospective Medical Tourism Travelers!

We are excited to share another patient testimonial from someone who underwent Pelvic Plasty earlier this year. She offers insightful tips for those considering medical tourism to South Korea, particularly for Pelvic Plasty.

The Biggest Question First: Would I Do It Again?

"Based on my results today, just 10 days after surgery, I am satisfied. Although there's still some swelling and discomfort, I'm confident these issues will resolve once the swelling subsides. I've already purchased new dresses and feel much more comfortable showing off my new silhouette, which brings me great joy."

The Surgery Experience – From Contacting Them to Flying Back Home


"As a transgender woman who has undergone hormone replacement therapy (HRT) post-puberty, I, like many others, have experienced limited changes to my hips. This was disappointing, and I began researching solutions and I contacted William, the international patient coordinator, who was efficient and courteous throughout the pre-arrival process."

Flying to Korea and Checking In

"After a 16-hour flight, a driver picked me up at Incheon Airport. Finding him was easy as he held a sign with my name. The hour-long drive to the hospital was pleasant, and upon arrival, William and Melody, the patient coordinator team, greeted me warmly. They helped with paperwork, showed me to my room, and even assisted with my meal arrangements, ensuring a smooth transition into the hospital environment."

Surgery Day

"The following day, we began early with all necessary check-ups and preparations for the operation. This included blood work, blood pressure and urine tests, oxygen saturation, CT and X-ray scans, lung function tests, a final administrative consultation, and a consultation with Dr. Won to decide on which implants to use and discuss my expectations for the results. Throughout the process, Melody was by my side, assisting with communication and ensuring that I did not get lost.:D The surgery began at 3 p.m., and though the first night was challenging, the staff was attentive to my needs."

Post-Surgery and Recovery

"On the first day after the surgery, I pushed myself to take a few steps. Encouraged by this progress, Although it was difficult to stand up and I was unsteady and slow, I succeeded. Encouraged by this, I resumed my activities and noticed a significant improvement in pain levels from sunrise to sunset. Upon looking in the mirror, I saw what I had expected: bruises and swelling around my hips, and my hips were definitely wider. Hooray!"🎉

"On the second day, I became even more mobile. As a result, the medical team felt confident enough to remove my catheter and requested that I undergo post-operative examinations, including a CT scan and X-ray.  Furthermore, I had a post-op consultation with Dr. Won during which we discussed the success of the surgery, the results, and the progress made towards my goal (an increase of approximately 6cm in width, which is significant). As the last part of my day, I went to physiotherapy where I lay on a table while they sprayed cold air around my hips for 10-15 minutes. It may or may not have helped, but for me, there wasn't a significant difference."

"On my final day, after a brief medication review with the nurses, William helped me with the final arrangements and escorted me to the airport."

My Relationship with the Hospital Staff

"Dr. Won, the surgeon, was friendly and attentive, answering all my questions and ensuring my satisfaction. William and Melody, the patient coordinators, were fantastic. They made me feel comfortable and addressed all my concerns with kindness and professionalism. Big hearts for those two!"❤️

Recommendations for Future Patients

  • Install a translation app that works offline, and consider adding a Korean keyboard to your smartphone.
  • Ensure detailed information about post-surgery care and medications is provided, as it helps build a sense of security and understanding of your treatment.

"The pre-arrival process was excellent, and William was always responsive and helpful. While the surgery was well-explained, more information on aftercare would have been beneficial. Overall, the experience at Yonsei Baro Chuk Hospital was positive, and I highly recommend them for Pelvic Plasty."

We hope this testimonial provides valuable insights for anyone considering medical tourism for Pelvic Plasty. Stay tuned for more stories from our satisfied patients!

At Curva Connect, we pride ourselves on facilitating transformative

medical experiences for our clients.


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